2016 Archives

Some of these files are password protected. The confirmation email from your 2016 Seminar Registration includes the password. If you attended the Seminar, but cannot find your password, contact the Conference Manager for assistance.
Tree ID by Barden
Kansas PLSS by Brosemer
Part One
Part Two
Minimum Standards by Johnson
GPS by Johnson & Thompson
GPS Planning, Updates & Resources
Managing Your Business by Kent
2016 ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys by Kent
Kansas Ethics and Standards by Kent
UAS by LeMoine
Railroad Rights of Way by Maurin
GLO/1855 by Penry
Elevation Certificates by Samuelson
Elevation Certificate Fillable Form
2012 EC Checklist
5 Ways to Lower Your Flood Insurance
FEMA TB1 Openings in Foundation Walls
LOMA Out as Shown Request
Non-Engineered Opening Guide
Online LOMC/LOMA Fact Sheet
USACE BFE Determinations
eLOMA Fact Sheet
OPUS Project Manager Training by Stone
Read Me First
1. OPUS Intro
2. OPUS Create
3. OPUS Upload
4. OPUS Process
5. OPUS Manage
OPUS Projects Workshop Training Project Handout
OPUS Projects Manual 9.5.15
OPUS Projects Hardware
OPUS Projects Glossary
LiDAR by Taylor & Lynn
Part One
Part Two
Math I by Zinn
Math II by Zinn
Survey Administration by Zinn