Brian Ward has worked for the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) for 30 years, sixteen of those in the field conducting Geodetic Surveys. The past twelve years he has been the Arkansas Geodetic Advisor. He is currently the Central Plains Regional Advisor. Brian assists the Federal, State, and private sectors with any products and services NGS provides. William Stone is the NOAA/National Geodetic Survey’s (NGS) Southwest Region Geodetic Advisor. He assists the geospatial community throughout Arizona, New Mexico and Utah—including public- and private-sector surveyors, GIS professionals, engineers, and earth scientists—with proper application of the National Spatial Reference System. Stone has been with NGS since 1989, and he previously worked for the Department of the Navy and the Defense Mapping Agency. He has a BA in Physics from Bowdoin College and an MS in Physical Oceanography from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. He lives in Santa Fe, NM. |
OPUS Projects Manager Training
Friday, January 10, 2020, 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., and
Saturday, January 11, 2020, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
By attending this workshop, you should have enough information to successfully use OPUS Projects for your own geodetic network projects. The training is one and a half days and you must attend the entire workshop to become a project manager for OPUS Projects. Once the training is completed, you will be given an opportunity to register your email address thereby authorizing you to create and process your own projects through OPUS Projects. Although not required, familiarity with typical GNSS surveying practices and NGS’s OPUS is helpful. Also helpful is the ability to access your email during training because OPUS Projects uses email as one means to communicate with you.
NOTE: You must attend all twelve hours and bring a wifi enabled laptop with you to the class. Deadline to register for this class: January 2, 2020. There is an enrollment limit of 30 in this class, so please register early to reserve your spot.
NOTE: You must attend all twelve hours and bring a wifi enabled laptop with you to the class. Deadline to register for this class: January 2, 2020. There is an enrollment limit of 30 in this class, so please register early to reserve your spot.