Bob Broeckelman grew up on a farm in a family of twelve north of Oakley, Kansas. He attended Kansas
State University majoring in Ag Education and graduated in 1970 with his Bachelor’s Degree and his Masters Degree in 1972 in Adult and Occupational Education. He taught Vocational Ag in Norton, Kansas for five years and was named the Kansas Outstanding Vocational Ag Teacher in 1976 and the Outstanding Kansas Vocational Teacher in 1977. He became the Executive Secretary for the State FFA Association at Kansas State University for five years and in 1981 was hired into Farm Credit as Assistant Director of Marketing for the Federal Land Bank. He was soon named the Director of Employment and Training for the Bank and its association in Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and New Mexico. For the next 33 years, Bob worked in the Farm Credit System developing and validating selection systems that dropped turnover from 28.7% down to 3-4% in five years, saving the Farm Credit System millions of dollars in recruiting and selection expense. He retired at the Vice President of Recruiting and Selection for twelve states. Interviews were developed for selecting loan officers, appraisers, credit analyst, support personnel, staff, managers, supervisors, executive leadership and IT employees. By using these interviews and Predictive Index, they are able to match applicants with the right jobs approximately 92% of the time. His philosophy is to hire once and save a lot of time not doing it twice for the same position. In 2007, Bob helped Agri-businesses build interview for additional job interviews such as Truck Drivers, Custom Applicators and Sales Professionals by studying the best Agri-business personnel in the various positions and developing profiles of what to look for when hiring new employees. When he retired, he was helping 28 large cooperatives in nine states with over 6500 employees. In 1988, Bob completed his PhD in Adult and Occupational Education and has worked for years training management teams and Boards to become more effective. In May 2016, Bob was asked to give the Commencement Speech to the College of Agriculture graduates and their guests. He was also presented the KSU Agricultural Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus Award, which is awarded to one recipient per year. Bob and Bunny have three children: Ashley Wiltse (Sean) is a speech therapist for Andover Middle School after teaching elementary classes for 28 years. Brooks is a Commercial Airline Pilot for Delta and flown into Wichita multiple times. Barry is a Pediatrician in Kansas City, Kansas and a partner in PPA Pediatrics. Each of our three children have blessed us with two grandsons each. |